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The original BeneVap was designed and built in Queensland, Australia by BeneTerra Pty Ltd. It was called an EvC – short for evapo-concentrator. It's intended use was to dry up numerous ponds that were built during the exploration phases of coal seam gas (CSG) development. The ponds were in remote locations and contained stale, saline produced water that had been sitting for several years. The water ranged in salinity level, it contained suspended silt and clay, algae, weeds and even some dead animals. A tough, robust process was needed to deal with this water.

There were restrictions upon where the water could be disposed off site and those locations were typically a very long distance from the exploration ponds.  After several unsuccessful attempts to purchase equipment overseas, the BeneTerra team decided to build their own evaporator. Soon afterward, the US counterparts at BeneTerra Environmental LLC  saw a similar need to dry up ponds that held reject water from gas production sites. Combined with the Australian design, some acquired IP and support from the Australian engineering group they began to build machines as well.

The BeneTerra engineering group in Australia has done a tremendous amount of research and development work ranging from design and instrumentation to water chemistry and air emissions. The Australian government has generously supported this research through innovation grants. That research and development is ongoing in the quest to build reliable, efflicient machines with minimal emissions.

In 2019 BeneTerra  received  two national awards in Australia for innovative use of BeneVap machines  to dry up landfill leachate while using biogas derived from landfills. It was an honour to be recognised by both the Waste Management Resource and Recovery group (WMRR), a solid waste industry organisation, and the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE) which is sponsored by the Australian federal government.